Serenity of the Sea

Serenity of the Sea

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013 Gifts from the Classroom

Memories from the Classroom
I have collected an amazing assortment of stuff from these years of teaching: Alf puppets, hats, a purple sweatshirt dress, a bocci ball, zoo animals and the list goes on and on. As I am cleaning and sorting, a variety of people stop to chat, so they become the recipients of some of these items. One student received a messenger bag which she proudly put to use immediately. A couple of boys were given hats and shaving cream . Books abound, of course, and I am playing Santa with them; one stack of leadership books went to an administrator who will love them, and two other communication books went to a teacher who can use them with her drama students. Handing possessions to others is making it easier to leave; the idea that they will still be useful to someone makes me happy.

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