Serenity of the Sea

Serenity of the Sea

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mar 2-3, 2013 Road Trip to Connecticut

Sleeping Giant Park, CT
A road trip offers new opportunities to spread  random acts of kindness, and this weekend was a perfect example. We made a quick trip to the Nutmeg State to assist our daughter in moving in to her new apartment. This is a voyage which takes us through three states, so I had planned to find some little action to perform in each one. The first stop was at a rest area in New York where I left a children's book with a message inside asking that the book be passed on to a youngster who likes to read. The next break occurred at a travel plaza in Massachusetts.This time I placed a young adult chapter novel on the table near the fast food restaurant, again with a note attached to share it with a reader. Today, we hiked a few of the trails at  Sleeping Giant State Park, a beautiful area filled with huge trees, rocky outcrops, and babbling brooks. I took along a bag and collected litter that we found on the paths. It was  enjoyable to add my little acts of kindness to a fantastic family weekend .

1 comment:

  1. Love love love your acts of kindness here. Leaving a book for a child to discover. What an excellent idea! Thanks for making the world a better place.
